Looking for vacation rentals or the perfect Sioux Falls campground to take your family this year? Then here are five of our favorite fun facts about South Dakota we wish more people knew:

1. Sioux Falls Is South Dakota’s Largest City

Because Sioux Falls is the largest city in South Dakota (population of 168,586, not to brag), vacationers venturing to the city can enjoy all the charms of small-town, Main Street U.S.A. with all the amenities and attractions of a big city. Located on the banks of the Big Sioux River and the grand prairie of the Great Plains, visitors can explore all the natural wonders of South Dakota without trekking to the middle of nowhere.

You can even see the famous waterfalls of the Big Sioux River just a few blocks from downtown.

2. South Dakota Has More Shoreline Than Florida

No, seriously, it really does. Winding rivers with crystal clear water and glacial lakes fill the South Dakota landscape, which means the Mount Rushmore State actually has more miles of shoreline than the Sunshine State.

If you’re searching for the best vacation rentals and campgrounds in South Dakota, then you’ll find tons of family campgrounds with water features, including man-made attractions like pools, water splash parks, and water slides, plus natural attractions like lakes, waterfalls, and rivers.

3. Visitors To South Dakota Spend More Than $1 Billion

To be precise, visitor spending in South Dakota reached $1.059 billion in 2010, the last year data was available. Of course, lots of tourists come to the Mount Rushmore State to see, well, you know. It’s on the state quarter, after all. But equally popular are the many national parks, family camping resorts, and Sioux Falls campgrounds.

4. Camping Really Is An All-American Pastime

Here’s a heartwarming fact: the vast majority of Americans went camping for the first time with their dad. And among Americans of all ages, camping is one of the most popular recreational activities in the country. Each year, about 42.5 million Americans spend an average of 12.6 days camping. That’s why the camping industry earns $15 billion in revenue each year.

5. The Crazy Horse Mountain Carving Will Be The Largest Sculpture In The World…

…that is, if it’s ever completed. In addition to Mount Rushmore, South Dakota is also home to the Crazy Horse Memorial Carving, a gigantic sculpture being carved into the side of a mountain. Of course, it’s been under construction since 1948, and most people don’t think it will ever be finished. Which is probably for the best, we wouldn’t want Jefferson or Washington to get sculpture envy.

South Dakota contains thousands of vacation rentals, attractions, and family campgrounds where people of all ages can explore all the state has to offer. So if you or someone you know is looking for vacation rentals in South Dakota or Sioux Falls, share these facts with them and send ’em our way.